New World Record Monster Carp Caught 49kg / 108lbs

Marc 49kg massive World Record Carp Hemos recibido noticias recientemente sobre lago Euro Aqua en Hungría, un nuevo y monstruoso pez ha sido capturado hoy en este prolífico lago.

Las noticias siguen llegando, pero parece que durante esta sesión de octubre un joven pescador de Viena (Austria) ha logrado templar a esta bestia de pez y lo ha capturado  esta mañana.

No está confirmado, pero creemos que es la primera vez que este pescador visita el lago.
Entendemos que el pescador es Marc Weisner de Viena, Austria.

Esta carpa es un nuevo pez joven, que nunca había sido atrapado tan grande. Todavía estamos esperando más noticias. Hay un vídeo disponible online en Youtube.

Massive new World Record Monster Carp caught at colossal 49kg or 108lbs. 

We are receiving news just now from the Euro Aqua lake in Hungary that a new fish has been caught today in the prolific carp lake.

The news is still coming in but it appears that during this October autumn session the young Angler from Vienna, Austria managed to temp this beast, landing it sometime in the morning on the 22nd of October.  It is not yet confirmed, but we believe the fisherman has arrived at the famous Euro Aqua lake fishing for the first time. The Angler we believe to be Marc Weisner from Vienna Austria.

The fish is a new younger fish

Apparently this massive world record carp has never been so big. We are still waiting for more news however, this fish could be at least a few pounds more than the previous world record.

 You can watch the video now up on Youtube where you will see Marc enjoying time with the beast.